A few examples of clients, companies and institutions for whom Janet has worked or works on a regular basis:
Entities and institutions
- AAMP Marine Protected Areas Agency
- Brest 92-96-2000-2004-2008-2012 major maritime heritage events
- Brest Métropole
- CDMO Centre for Maritime Law, Nantes
- CNRS National Centre for Scientific Research
- Côtes d’Armor general (county) council
- Finistère general (county) council
- France Energies Marines
- Ifremer
- IUEM European Institute for Marine Studies
- Le Quartz Conference Center
- Ministry of Justice
- MNHN National Museum of Natural History
- Océanopolis ocean discovery park and scientific centre
- Quae Éditions
- Regional council of Brittany
- SEPNB – Bretagne vivante
- UBO, University of western Brittany, CEDEM
as well as numerous private-sector firms and corporations
European and regional initiatives and programmes
- CRMP, Atlantic Arc, Arc Manche
- Conference of European port cities; Bay of Brest Contract; QUALIPOL
- Interreg IIa: Cross-border cooperation
- Interreg IIc: Regional spatial planning; A chance for change
- Interreg IIIa: Cross-border cooperation; Leader+
- Interreg IIIb: EQUAL; CYCLEAU; Landes; MAPO; Safer Seas; EMDI; Federation of Regional and Local Channel Ports; Caraïbes NetBIOME; MAIA
- Interreg IIIc: Rural Innova; ESIN; New Epoc; IMAPS; Alicera
- Interreg IVa: France-Channel-England operational programme CHARTER; EMDI; CAMIS énergies; GIFS; MERIFIC; B-New
- Interreg IVb: Europe of Citizens (sustainable development); Sea T Net; MAIA; Atlantic area: NEA2; Seanergy; Setarms, WATER
- Interreg IVc: SURF Nature; EUROSITE; Interreg Road Show
- Interreg Va: meetings to prepare new projects, FLIP and others not yet named
- ERA-NET- Net Biome
- FP6 R&D Capright
- LIFE and Natura 2000 programmes
- Regional advisory committees for fisheries
- Forums Droits de l’homme, Espace Atlantique, Biotecmar, Youth in action, Homer
- FAO/PNUD territory-based approach, challenges of climate change, IPCC, AIVP
Significant Interreg experience
Working on Interreg programmes since 1996, including 3-year contract with Cycleau Lead Partner, for all interpreting services (interpreter, provider and team head). Fully conversant in specific terminology and procedures at every stage of project, from prospective and preparatory meetings to steering and monitoring committees, audits and final conferences.
A few examples of conference and seminar themes…
- Thetis marine energy, Brest, Cherbourg and Nantes events
- Sea Tech Week
- Cocorisco coastal risks: hazards, issues, representations, management
- Safer Seas
- Sharkwater
- Mitin Maritime innovative terrritories international network
- Merific Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities
- Carrefour biotech Nantes
- Law, ethics and religion
- Corridors of biodiversity in urban areas
- Cloud computing
- World Human Rights Forum
- SFERHE cerebral palsy
- Cross Channel Film
- European Social Forum
- GMO-free regions
- Nuclear strategy
- IPCC working group and media-briefing
- Biodiversity in overseas regions
- Deep Blue Days
- Netalgae
… as well as court cases involving marine pollution, inter alia, in the high courts and Court of Appeal, interpreting in business meetings and negotiations, and a wide range of missions “on-site”: natural habitats, factories, slaughterhouse, submarine, naval shipyards and boatyards, operating room, smelting works, farms and fish farms, laboratories… a fascinating part of the job!